Short Stories and OuttakesThe history of the Pacific Northwest is rich in mythology - and so is the history of mythical Makah Island. There's an entire world to explore outside the novels. Sign up for my e-newsletter for access to short stories, outtakes from the books, and other irregularities.
Why Makah Island?When Captain Vancouver arrived late on the scene, the Pacific Northwest was already home to hundreds of vibrant and thriving communities. After Europeans and new Americans colonized the people and the land, they renamed and reshaped the culture in their image. "Makah Island" and several renamings of familiar locales in the books are an acknowledgement of that history. Please learn more about the Makah tribe (pronounced colloquially in the PNW as "mah-caw"), and the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast.
BTW, What's a geoduck?Welcome, stranger, to the wonderful world of PNW shoreline life. The geoduck (pronounced "gooey-duck"), is like a clam, only way weirder, larger, and more delicious. Now you know.